Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gratitude Journal

I recently discovered this wonderful blog called the Dating Divas, and I must say it is a must read for anyone in a relationship. Please enjoy!

"Several years ago, I was watching an episode of Oprah (BTW…I really miss her). The entire episode was on having gratitude in our daily lives. Oprah talked about keeping a regular journal solely about “being grateful.”  I immediately tried this idea and soon found that I LOVED it. Each week (about 2- 3 times), I would take 5 minutes and quickly jot down ten things I was thankful for. At first, I had to stop and really think. However, after doing this for a few weeks my lists got bigger and more detailed. I soon found myself counting my blessings and having an overall better attitude.

So, in my gratitude journal,  I make sure I list at least two things or more about my husband that I am thankful for each week. I find when I focus more on the things I LOVE and appreciate about him, I am less likely to focus on the little things that may arise.
I bought a journal in the $1 section at Michaels. This is a quick and easy thing I do a few times each week, but I have found has a great impact on my attitude and outlook about my marriage and life.
What are you most thankful for about your spouse? - Corie"

1 comment:

Pam A said...

This is such a wonderful way to appreciate God's blessings in our lives. It's also an amazing way to avoid ever taking the love of your spouse for granted by missing out on the precious "little things" that make life special. Great idea...I love it! Thanks for sharing this Arlene!